Monday, March 30, 2009

Weight Loss:How Good Diet Can Help.

Weight loss comes with many challenges,
its only the super focused and determined
heart that can do it. No expert will tell you
that loosing weight is a small feat to achieve.
Any body who have successfully fought and won
the battle of being over weight will attest to this fact.

Weight loss is all encompassing, its a total way of life
if one really want to achieve meaningful and timely
result. I have seen people who are dedicated shed weights
in two months.

Good figure not boost self confidence, it also helps to in blood
circulation to the heart. Obesity has been said to cause a lot
of heart related death which is often untimely.

So how exactly can the food we eat help in weight loss.
The following guide and tips will go along way.

1.Bye-Bye To Old Eating Habits: I am sure you have head
of the popular saying "the definition of insanity is doing same
thing and expecting different result" This is true is eating habit.
If you are really ready to loose some pounds, then the old eating
habits have to give way.
For example lets look at breakfast. This is by far the most important
meal, it sets you in the right mood for the rest of the day. Getting a
good meal before you leave your house will make help to avoid the
temptation of drive thru's and unhealthy fast foods. It is not enough
to eat donuts and gulping juice won't do you any good. Try cereal
instead with lots of water. Cereal is rich in fiber and carbohydrates
which gives you energy that helps you go through the day. The most
beneficial part of this is that it reduces cholesterol. You should think
of your breakfast as a day starter rather than cheap and convenience.

2. Fish Is It: Build your protein intake around poultry meat and fish
especially. Give the red meat red card. Eating burger which is mostly
stuffed with red meat is not doing your health any good. Try and cut
the temptation of burgers and all delicacies that is associated with red meat.

3.Keep It Green: Get into the habit of eating a lot of raw food. Vegetables
of all sorts can be get in the supermarket. This shout be an alternative
rather than dashing to the fast food during lunch, you can make the
supermarket and grocery stores your choice. The list of vegetables you can take does
not include potatoes.

4. Stay Away From Fried Stuff: Replace your fried food to a healthier
choice of baking, grilling, roasting boiling etc. Adding lemon to your grilled
fish and garnishing it with vegetable brings a whole new taste.
If you can not resist the temptation of fast food, forget all the fried options,stick to the sauced grilled chicken.

5. Always Finish With Fruits: Ending your meal with desert could sound or look good but health wise, its a poor decision. Instead of those sweet desert cholesterol desert, end you food with fruits. For instance, banana contains 422 mg of potassium, which controls the amount of puff-producing sodium in your system and this is extremely good for belly flattening.
Having a bowl of fruit as meal will also help in moving your bowel and makes you lots lighter.
A lot of us do not measure up with recommended intake of fruits, making food part of meal or as a meal will give added vitamins, fiber, minerals etc.

Hold habits die hard but getting used to this guide will give you good result in no time.